
Tractors represent significant investment for the club. Authourised users must follow the Operational Guidance and Basic Rules below.  

The Committee

Tractor Operation and Basic Rules

Only authorised members may operate a tractor. 

Faults must be reported immediately by text to the engineer Lukasz Brylew 07842 409326.

Tractors should be fuelled. The Bigger Ford 6710’s gauge is functioning. The smaller Ford 6610 and the Massey Ferguson’s are not but the MF can and should be dipped.

  • Safety is paramount. Always maintain full awareness of those around the tractor.

  • The first user of each tractor, each day, is to check fuel before use. The Oil level must also be checked as `Safe’ and the tyres sufficiently inflated before running.

  • If connected, the trickle charger must be switched off and the plug removed from the socket to ensure the charging program is reset on reconnection.

  • Remember both the MF and 6610 are fitted with isolators.

  • Start tractors in neutral with the clutch fully depressed.

  • A tractor will turn over but will not start if the kill button on the dash is left out.

  • Users must monitor coolant temperature on the MF and 6710 when in use.

  • To stop the engine, pull the kill button until the engine stops. Then ensure the ignition is switched off before removing the key.

  • Do not use the handbrake.

  • Users must ensure that the tractor is stationary and in neutral before allowing anyone to approach to hitch/unhitch a trailer.

  • Halt at the main gate before sounding the horn and slowly exiting the compound.

  • Do not ride the clutch.

  • Give way to other beach users, the actions of members reflect upon the Club.

  • Under no circumstances park a tractor and exit the cab on the slipway or a slope.

  • The engine must not be stopped when below the high-water mark on the beach.

  • As agricultural vehicles no speedometers are fitted. The maximum speed limit on the beach is 10MPH. 

  • If towing a hand-launching dinghy or catamaran trolley, no faster than walking speed

  • Members should not ride on a tractor’s steps.

  • Crew may ride inboard craft. No riding ONcraft or empty trailers whilst being towed.

  • Avoid rocks and driving through standing water whenever possible.

  • Drive slowly through unavoidable water no matter how shallow it appears.

  • Do not take the tractor through a filling gully.

  • Tractors must not be driven forwards into the sea, turn in advance of the water’s edge.

  • Craft should be prepared for launching before the tractor enters the water and the tractor withdrawn immediately you launch or retrieve your craft.

  • The tractor should be reversed into water no deeper than the depth of the rear tyre to the lower edge of the rim (approx 10”-12” depending upon the tractor). That’s to a level no deeper than water up to the BOTTOM of your trailer’s mudguards.

  • Trailers that require the craft to be floated on or off must be unhitched and pushed manually into deeper water.

  • Crew are to assist with launching and retrieval, not add weight.

  • Be considerate, launch and retrieve safely and swiftly, other members may be awaiting use and your return of the tractor.

  • Each tractor used must be washed down at the end of the day before being put away.


  • Recoil the external hose and stow tidily away.