Dear reader,
Thank you for visiting our website.
We have included a great deal of information below. If you have further questions or would like to learn more, please email us at with your name and a contact telephone number and a member will give you a call.
The application process is simple and our fees and subscription rates are shown at the very foot of this page.
Pursuing marine based water-sport in the North West? Membership with us would add greatly to your days afloat. Our beach-front facilities afford members convenience, an unhurried environment in which to prepare and all facilities for comfort upon return to shore. We are not open to the public and we do not offer day launches, but we do offer a choice of annual membership packages for very little money indeed when compared to day or seasonal charges made by commercially run facilities and local authorities.
If you are a kiter, kayaker, SUP or SIB owner you can choose to operate out of the back of a vehicle, but you may face parking difficulties and or charges and have doubts over the security of your vehicle and its contents when out of sight. There’s also the cleaning down of your kit and showering off afterwards to consider…. Membership of the BLCC includes secure beach front parking and full facilities.
If you own a trailed craft the key to a great day afloat is an uneventful tow and successful launch and recovery…. There are free slipways, but many are local authority or privately controlled and that can mean access and or parking restrictions and charges. If the slip is tidal you may also need a foreshore permit to legally access the beach with your vehicle (beware of invalidating your insurance) and if you have not got a four wheel drive, you may require a tractor to launch and retrieve. There is also the question of where to safely and legally park your vehicle and trailer whilst out on the water. Membership of the BLCC provides solutions to all these potential difficulties and from a safety perspective, it makes sense to be afloat in the company of other craft whenever possible.
If you are a diver looking for an active club or you are thinking of learning to dive then look no further. Our associates, the West Lanc’s Sub Aqua Club are a registered British Sub Aqua Club. They are not to be confused with a for profit training provider and as a diver, membership is not conditional upon signing up for further costly training. The club has five qualified BSAC instructor members and internationally recognised BSAC training and progression is available. Crucially if you join as trainee, the club’s commitment to you as a new diver does not end when the training course has been delivered!
Unless joining as a dive associate, in your first season with us there is a single, one-off entrance fee of £85, irrespective of applying for single, joint or reduced rate membership, plus the appropriate subscription as shown below. A personal set of keys at costs adds £10.00 and if you are a trailed craft owner a pair of craft identification numbers will cost a further £10.00.
In subsequent years membership renewal is based on the annual subscription alone. That’s it, THERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES, but a host of benefits and a full year’s unrestricted access to club facilities.